Saturday, July 24, 2010

Six Months and One Week

Well, today marks six months and one week since we started this process and wow what a process it has been.  Now that things are winding down a tad both of us are again back to a comfortable feeling as opposed to an anxious feeling.  Well, me much more anxious than my husband because he just kept reminding me that we had to give it to God and for some reason I kept trying to take it back.  :D  Imagine that - there goes that control.  Well, fact of that matter is - unfortunately no one has control of their life except for God and once we come to that realization then all of our needs will be met and we will be directed according to His plan and not according to ours. 

With that being said - we had a wonderful time with the boys yesterday.  I think it's finally becoming a reality to them that Ivanna will be home soon.  I think for about three months we kept saying we will know something next week and poor things they eventually thought "next week" was never coming.  I'm so glad they were here when we got our last approval in the mail!

We have a lot to do today good thing we started packing early because we have pulled stuff out and put stuff in on several different occassions.  Thank goodness Andy thought of making a list of everything we put in the suitcase.  GREAT idea.  Thinking we had better pack Ivanna a few more outfits just in case she is with us longer in the apartment.  Think we are down to only taking two suitcases now - we want to make this easily manageable. 

Worked on additional "thank you" cards this morning.  We could just write and write and write and are so thankful for what has been done in our lives that there just are not enough words to express the thankfulness.

We picked up Ivanna's biological parents a few more "happies" yesterday as a token for them to remember us by.  So glad they have access to our blog so they can follow in Ivanna's happiness.

Thanks again to all of you who are continuing to say prayers for our new direction in life and we look forward to a successful homecoming soon.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that things are settling down. You are almost there! I have trouble letting go, too. It is so hard to not know God's plan for you. Maybe it is a mommy thing :)


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