Sunday, September 5, 2010

Our New Life with the Addition of Ivanna

Well, the first night, as you can imagine, there wasn't much sleep.  When she finally did go to sleep she sat up several times and just looked around and guess you probably already know everytime she flinched we were wide awake but we just laid there and acted like we didn't know she was up just to observe.  She would look around to make sure we were still there, rock for a little bit and lay back down and sleep for a few more minutes.  We think she was afraid to go to sleep thinking she may wake up back at the orphanage or that we would not be with her when she woke up.  BUT we were and boy was she happy.  When she woke up for the last time on Saturday morning I opened my eyes and she was looking straight at me with the biggest, prettiest smile and then she just hugged and kissed on both of us and we HAD to get up.  :D.  Then, her bio parents got here and we took off to the zoo.  We weren't sure how she would handle it but all in all- she did really good.  There seemed to have been several animals missing.  Andy and Yuri, I don't think really wanted her to go in the petting zoo for fear of what her response would be but you know - you won't never know if you don't try it.  So off she and I went and low and behold she even let the sheep and goats eat out of her hand I was pleasantly surprised.  And then the poor goats she of course had to pull their ears but she'll learn to be easy.  I thought maybe some of the animals may scare her but she didn't seem phased but of course she wasn't "upclose and personal".  Sure was NOTHING like the St. Louis zoo or the Audobon Zoo.  We'll go there when we get home. 

In addition around here she will certainly need a stroller.  Of course, because we were hard headed and didn't listen, we didn't bring ours.  But thanks to Yuri and Anna they let us borrow Igor's.  Tomorrow though we are going to buy one because I am convinced we will need on in the airports because both of us will be pure worn out from having to worry about keeping a grip on her in the crowd of people.

We took her to our favorite coffee shop for lunch.  She ate a whole piece of Loren Pie which to us is Quiche.  She loved it too.  Basically I don't think she will "not like" anything.  Then we ordered her a scoop of vanilla ice cream.  The first bite of course was really cold and she almost made the indication she didn't like it.  BUT YAY!!!  ..... she did!!

THEN.....we took her to dinner at TGI Friday's.....she had a BLAST.  She ate chicken fingers and mashed potatoes and loved them.  She giggled, and giggled, and then giggled some more.  I think though because she was extremely sleepy.  But even during the day yesterday there was NO nap for her.  She was afraid she may miss something no matter how much she rubbed her eyes or yawned.

Then we came back home for a warm bath and this time we had no trouble getting her in the bath (imagine that) this time the issue was getting her out of the bath LOL.  She then crawled up in the bed, watched television for a little while and then fell fast asleep along with her daddy and I.  Boy how we needed sleep.  Even though she was quite the acrobat during the night, every time she flinched I think my eyes would pop open.  It was funny watching her have to be touching one of us.  If we scooted over to give her more room she would make sure a foot or a hand was touching us - guess that was her way of KNOWING we would be there or else it would wake her up.

Then, again this morning she woke up with the prettiest little smile on her face.  As soon as I opened my eyes - she just very easily touched my face and then she gave me the sweetest kisses.  Then she crawled over her daddy, grabbed his arm and pulled it out and then got under the covers and curled up close to him then she just started rubbing his face and giving him daddy kisses.  SOOOOOO SWEEET!!  These moments are amazing.

Had a good day - Anna and Yuri took us to one of the churches today and it was just beautiful.  After that they dropped us off and we took baby girl to lunch and walked and walked and walked through the mall.  This time she was in the stroller so she was happy and contented.  We came back and rested for a bit and when it was time to eat dinner we met Fedia and Lynda at the Ukrainian buffet.  YUMMY we love that stuff.  Ivanna was REALLY good again.  I'm sure there will be times when we won't have it so lucky but we hope there are less times of those.  :D.  The only problem is we left here without the stroller thinking it would be a nice little walk for her but she has already figured out how to get her daddy to carry her everywhere.  SOOOOO in the morning, we are OFF to buy us a stroller.  We are going to make sure we get one that we can load stuff in to also for when we get home and go on excursions.  Yeay I know, we aren't quite the brightest crayon in the box LOL.

Well, she finally got to talk to two of her brothers today and Ms. Alice.  I hope they could all hear her but she told them all she loved them.

Well, right now she is building a train in the middle of the apartment with all of her legos and anything else she can find, shoes, bows, name it it's all lined up just perfectly in the middle of the apartment and she gets so upset if something is just a tad out of line.  WHAT A MESS she is!!  But she's a cute one!!  Completely OCD about cleaning and other things.  Remind you of anyone? LOL

Well as soon as we get to a wireless connection I'll upload some pictures and videos - went to buy a new computer today but they couldn't install the English version of software :(. 

Live is grand here in our little humble abode.  Tomorrow is a holiday for us at work so no work tomorrow YAY!!!

Love you all,
The Stratton Family

1 comment:

  1. I've sure enjoyed reading about Ivanna. Tatiana is a little younger than Ivanna, and it's been comforting to see how well Ivanna is adjusting to you. What a blessing she will be in your family.


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