Friday, March 12, 2010

Crazy Good Day

What an action packed day!! On top of me accomplishing my "real job" today. I knew that the FedEx had arrived in LA this morning so I was monitoring it closely for delivery at customs and immigrations. FINALLY it was marked as delivered - well it took me all of fifteen minutes considering all the patience I have to e-mail them. GOOD NEWS is this is our final approval. BAD NEWS is fingerprints are not back from FBI yet and she has to have those and review homestudy before she releases approval OF COURSE - well hurry it up already!!! Patience sayeth the Lord - I know, I know (and my husband) but, but I'm really trying.

Then I received the STRANGEST e-mail out of the clear blue and low and behold the sender didn't even sign their name to it - I took offense to it IMMEDIATELY - there goes that patience issues again. Anyway after finding out who it was and responding to them - it appeared to be someone that was very confused and distraught over the homestudy process and thought that because she already had a child with DS that the process should be a "no brainer". I offered careful but much needed advice to her and didn't hear back after that. I hope all goes well for that family sounds like she may need a wonderful support system like we will have. I tell you our DS organization here ROCKS however I am a tad partial :D.

THEN as of yesterday a friend on my FB page so elequently informed me that they would possibly be going to Easter Europe at the same time we were and that their paperwork had reached USCIS just the day before ours. OMG - I was just beside myself to have that connection. So low and behold we started talking and ended up in a phone call and .... well bless her heart - she knows now that I talk too much :D. Oksana (her baby that is 5 and has CP) is in the same orphanage as Ivanna so I sent her mom a note and asked if she would mind taking pictures of Oksana when she goes on Sunday - she immediately replied and said she would be glad to try. So hope to hear from her early Sunday morning. She also sent us two new pictures of Ivanna today. I feel so connected to her - well why not we share a beautiful child together.

I also e-mailed our facilitator last night and he has started translation on our dossier so we are doing everything possible to speed this process through.

Thanks again for all your prayers and well wishes. God bless all of you.


  1. Oh, I love to see pics of your little Ivanna! She is just so precious! I'll be praying for those fingerprints to get there asap!:)

  2. Thanks very much we are almost there!


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